
The syntax where={'id': 123} works well for = conditions but breaks down for other operators. For that purpose, jardin offers comparators.

For example

>>> from jardin.comparators import *
>>> User.count(where={'created_at': gt(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(day=1))})
# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE created_at > '2018-04-29 12:00:00';

All comparators

Comparator Operator Example Result
lt < {'n': lt(3)} WHERE n < 3
leq <= {'n': leq(3)} WHERE n <= 3
gt > {'n': gt(3)} WHERE n > 3
geq <= {'n': geq(3)} WHERE n >= 3
not_null   {'n': not_null()} WHERE n IS NOT NULL
not_in   {'n': not_in([1, 2])} WHERE n IS NOT IN (1, 2)